The KNMI FDSN DataSelect Web Service provides access to raw waveform data of the seismic network in The Netherlands for specified channels and time ranges in Mini-SEED format. The data may be filtered e.g. by time, station and network parameters. The request type is HTTP-GET and HTTP-POST.

Please refer to for a complete service description.



Available URLs

The following URLs are available through this web service:

Feature notes

Feature notes regarding this implementation of the FDSN web service specification:

  • Back-end software: SeisComP
  • quality request parameter not implemented (information not available in SeisComP)
  • minimumlength request parameter not implemented
  • longestonly request parameter not implemented
Citation information

The data user is kindly requested to provide proper reference to the data supplier. This can be done by citing the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and including the DOI of the networks. Example citations look like:

Seismic network NL

KNMI (1993): Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
Other/Seismic Network. 10.21944/e970fd34-23b9-3411-b366-e4f72877d2c5

Seismic network NA

KNMI (2006): Caribbean Netherlands Seismic Network. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
Other/Seismic Network. 10.21944/dffa7a3f-7e3a-3b33-a436-516a01b6af3f


Terms of use

The data is provided as Open Data (Open and Anonymous), under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Data ownership acknowledgement

See Citation information section.

Quality of the data

The KNMI take the greatest care to ensure that the data and metadata are accurate and of the highest possible quality. Users of this data tool assume all responsibility and risk for use of the data. In no event shall KNMI be liable for any damages caused by, but not limited to, absence of data, or erroneous data.

Misuse of the data

Users of the data agree not to misuse or add to without permission, or misrepresent the data provided in any way. Data provided through this data tool is free of use and cannot be reused in unaltered form for commercial use. The user cannot claim ownership of the data. Please inform us of any misuse of data from this data.

Data format and usage

Waveform data

Information about Mini-SEED can be found in IRIS (here and here), as well as the well-known libmseed library.

Very useful free software tools that can deal with Mini-SEED are Obspy and Geopsy. Other useful tools to view what it is inside a Mini-SEED file or to select specific data are miniSEED Inspector and dataselect, respectively.

Mini-SEED data can also be read in Matlab by means of a variety of scripts prepared by Matlab users and available on the Web. Another tool for Mini-SEED data visualisation and basic processing is PQLII, free software available from IRIS Passcal. Further, the reader is invited to evaluate the variety of free software resources provided by Passcal here.

As to data conversion, the reader is referred to the exhaustive list of tools provided by ORFEUS and IRIS, as well as the mentioned Obspy. This list includes software packages for conversion from Mini-SEED to ascii and SAC, the standard package for seismic data processing in many regions, in particular the US. For instance, rdseed can be used to convert SEED volumes into SAC compatible data.

Note on start/end time of the requested waveforms:
Users might be interested in processing waveform data with start and end time that exactly match the start / end time of the requested time windows. Time synchronization typically does not occur automatically because - as SEED format is block-oriented - it is possible to have incomplete blocks in the waveforms retrieved from ArcLink.