The KNMI offers various services that provide access to Open Data from the KNMI seismic and acoustic networks and the products derived from it. Some of these services are offered directly by the KNMI, either via dedicated tools or via the KNMI Data Platform. Other services are offered by the ORFEUS Data Centre within the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) framework. In addition to the services advertised in this page, the KNMI website offers general public information (in Dutch) about last earthquakes, live seismograms, dossiers and research publications.
Zie hier voor een beschrijving in het Nederlands.

Network Metadata
(manual access)
Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network Information
Network description, stations list & map, citation information, and DOIs.
Web Services
(programatic access)
Waveform data in Mini-SEED format.
Station inventory in JSON, XML, text and other formats.
Earthquakes source parameters in JSON, XML, text and other formats.
ShakeMaps in NetCDF4 format including strong motion parameters.
KNMI Data Platform
(manual and programatic access)
Data on the KNMI Data Platform
Hazard maps, inventory changelog, magnitude of completeness maps, and more open datasets.
(manual access and visualization)
European Integrated Data Archive
Various tools for the visualization and access of seismic data from the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA)
Data Policy Open Data (Open and Anonymous)
License The license might depend on the dataset and be specified in its access data tool(s).
Otherwise, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) is applied.

Quality of the data

The KNMI take the greatest care to ensure that the data and metadata are accurate and of the highest possible quality. Users of the different data tools assume all responsibility and risk for use of the data. In no event shall KNMI be liable for any damages caused by, but not limited to, absence of data, or erroneous data.

Data ownership acknowledgement

The data user is kindly requested to provide proper reference to the data supplier. This can be done by citing the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and including the DOI of the network(s) whose data is used.

Misuse of the data

Users of the data agree not to misuse or add to without permission, or misrepresent the data provided in any way. Data provided through the different data tools is free of use and cannot be reused in unaltered form for commercial use. The user cannot claim ownership of the data. Please inform us of any misuse of this data.