Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Citation example
KNMI (1993): Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
Other/Seismic Network. 10.21944/e970fd34-23b9-3411-b366-e4f72877d2c5
Other citation formats
  title = {{Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network}},
  author = {{KNMI}},
  year = {1993},
  note = {10.21944/e970fd34-23b9-3411-b366-e4f72877d2c5},
  howpublished = {{Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Other/Seismic Network}}}
Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network
Nederlands Seismisch en Akoestisch Netwerk
Creators KNMI
Publisher Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Publication Year 1993 Resource Type
Seismic Network

Subjects 55 Earth Sciences. Geological sciences   /   7200 Seismology   /   7294 Seismic instruments and networks
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
ORFEUS Data Center (ODC)
van den Hazel, Gert-Jan
1993-01-01 / (:tba)
Related Identifiers
Size 20 GB/day
Formats application/vnd.fdsn.seed, application/vnd.fdsn.mseed, application/json, application/xml, text/plain
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network NL is the national network of sensors deployed by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Network (KNMI) to monitor seismic and acoustic events. The history of the Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, however the modern network started in 1993 with the installation of a Streckeisen STS-1 sensor in Heimansgroeve (station code HGN). Since then the network gradually extended and evolved into a real-time, continuous recording and processing system of high quality seismic and acoustic data from broad band seismometers, borehole geophone stations, accelerometers and infrasound sensors. Today, the network is the leading monitoring network in the Netherlands to detect induced and tectonic earthquakes as well as acoustic signals in the Netherlands and beyond. The network comprises about 15 broad band seismometers, 99 borehole geophone stations, 97 accelerometers and 43 infrasound sensors. Data from all sensors are openly available to the research community through FDSN standardized webservices at KNMI, as well as through the standard services provided by ORFEUS and EIDA.
Geo Locations
The Netherlands
West Bound Lon (°): 3.2   /   East Bound Lon (°): 7.4   /   South Bound Lat (°): 50.6   /   North Bound Lat (°): 53.7

Dowload DOI Metadata DataCite XML
Network Code NL Archive KNMI Class Permanent
Region The Netherlands Start date 1993-01-01 Shared True
Description Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network End date - Restricted False
Institutions Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) Type VBB, BB, SP, SM, IS

Station Map

Legend: Icon Open Station Open / Icon Open Station Closed

Station List

Code Description Lat (°) Lon (°) Elev (m) Start End
FDSN Web Services fdsnws-station
For access to station metadata in FDSN Station XML and other formats.
For access to raw waveform data in Mini-SEED format.
EIDA Web Services eidaws-wfcatalog
For access to waveform metadata and quality parameters in JSON format.
Web Portals Seismic & Acoustic Data Portal / EIDA Data Portal
For access to raw waveform data and station metadata in (Mini-)SEED and Inventory XML formats.
Availability GUI
For viewing data availability information from the eidaws-wfcatalog.
Quality metrics GUI
For viewing data quality metrics from the eidaws-wfcatalog.
Repositories KNMI Data Centre
For access to station metadata in NetCDF4 format.

Quality of the data

The KNMI take the greatest care to ensure that the data and metadata are accurate and of the highest possible quality. Users of the different data tools assume all responsibility and risk for use of the data. In no event shall KNMI be liable for any damages caused by, but not limited to, absence of data, or erroneous data.

Data ownership acknowledgement

The data user is kindly requested to provide proper reference to the data supplier. This can be done by citing the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and including the DOI of the network, as shown in the example above.

Misuse of the data

Users of the data agree not to misuse or add to without permission, or misrepresent the data provided in any way. Data provided through the different data tools is free of use and cannot be reused in unaltered form for commercial use. The user cannot claim ownership of the data. Please inform us of any misuse of this data.